If you have a large amount of text from Microsof Word or another source, it may not fit into the column or page that you place it in. Once you release the mouse, your imported file will be placed into this text box. When the cursor changes to a loaded icon in Step #3, click and drag the mouse in a downward, diagonal direction. You can import your text or graphic directly into a new text box.

Your text will flow downwards to import as much of the text as will fit into your column, text block or page. Click on the spot on the document where you want to import your desired text.Position your cursor at the spot on your document where you want to import the text file.

Your cursor will change to a loaded text icon. Locate and double click on the file that you want to place.

It's completely fine to use, but I find it to be a somewhat bloated program with lots of features that you may never need or want to use. Adobe created the PDF standard and its program is certainly the most popular free PDF reader out there. Most people head right to Adobe Acrobat Reader when they need to open a PDF. PDF files always look identical on any device or operating system. The reason PDF is so widely popular is that it can preserve original document formatting. The Portable Document Format (PDF) is a universal file format that comprises characteristics of both text documents and graphic images which makes it one of the most commonly used file types today.